Four Presentations maximum for the day
(Any combination of assemblies and/or drawing workshops)
Kindergarten-Grade 8 (Max 300 students per assembly) 45-50min.
During this lively slide/film performance, Roger will share drawings,
illustrated books, animated films and curriculum based projects
produced by his students ages 6-12 , as well as some of his own
recent award winning creations.
Grades 1-8 (max 60 students per workshop)
Kindergarten (single classroom only).
Students learn a "failproof" method of drawing that helps
them become
better observers, illustrators and visual communicators.
The content of each "hands on" workshop is designed to
connect drawing to
some aspect of the core curriculum. (Please inquire for a list of
drawing/curriculum topics.)
One Day Rate*
$ For Prices and/or Booking-Contact: